The word Maghazi(literally, stories of military expeditions) refers to the
ghazwas and the surayas. It is worth much importance for a Muslim to learn all these. As they have a significant value in the history of Islam and the world itself.
Ibn e Asakar has copied Hazrat Imam Zain ul Abideen Ali bin Hussain bin Ameer ul Momineen Ali RA as saying,
“we were taught the Maghazi as we were taught the chapters of Quran”
Similarly, he has mentioned Ismael bin Muhammad bin Saad bin Abi Waqas RA as saying,
“My father, Muhammad bin Saad taught me about Maghazi and told me while counting the
ghazwat and surayas on his hand and used to say O my son, this is your forefathers’ honour
dont spoil it, your better in this world and the hereafter is in knowing these Maghazi.”
so here you can see that how our elders used to know and learn about them and here are we
who just know about three wars which we have got to learn due to our syllabus and nothing
more. Here I will try to summerize all the Maghazi which I know so that you can learn
something about them.
Suriya:In the Arabic language the word sīra (Arabic: سيرة) comes from the verb sāra which
means to travel or to be on a journey. In which the Prophet (Sallal la ho alehe wa aal e he wasallam) had not taken part.
Ghazwa: Those military expeditions (Arabic: غزوة )in which the Prophet (Sallal la ho alehe wa aal e he wasallam) had Himself taken part. Weather there was a war or it was merely a journey.
There are given almost 27 Ghazwat in the books of Islamic history. Which are as follow
Ghazwa Al Abwa
Ghazwa Buwat
Ghazwa Safwan
Ghazwa Al Usheera
Ghazwa Badr
Ghazwa Bani Sulem
Ghazwa As SAweeq
Ghazwa Ghatfan
Ghazwa Ze Amar
Ghazwa Al Dara’
Ghazwa Bani Qeenqa’
Ghazwa Uhad
Ghazwa Hmra’al Asad
Ghazwa Bani nuzair
Ghazwa Badr ul Akheera
Ghazwa Duma tul Jandal
Ghazwa bani Mustaliq
Ghazwa Khandaq
Ghazwa bani Quraiza
Ghazwa banu Lajban
Ghazwa hudaibiah
Ghazwa Ze Qurd
Ghazwa Khaiber
Ghazwa Zaat ur Raqa’
Ghazwa Umra’ tul Qaza
Ghazwa Fatah Makka
Ghazwa Hunain
Ghazwa At Taif
Ghazwa Tbook
similarly there number of surayas are 35, :
Sarya Hazrat Hamza RA
Sarya Ubaid bin Haris RA
Sarya Saad bin Waqas RA
Sarya Abdullah bin Jahash RA
and others which will be discussed in future posts In Sha Allah.
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